6 Questions With Venture Philly:

Riannon Weisser Shares Her Philly Favorites, Real Estate Advice, & Info For New Residents to Philadelphia.

Meet Riannon.

After graduating with a degree in Sociology from Shippensburg University, Riannon moved to Philadelphia to participate in City Year. Since then, she established her career in the non-profit sector before discovering a passion for real estate and joining The Venture Philly team. Riannon is excited to help first-time home buyers and is passionate about community building. With empathy, confidence, and a good sense of humor, Riannon aims to be the agent you want to hang out with. Aside from helping you find your dream home, Riannon
enjoys being an active part of the community, learning new arts and crafts, trying out new restaurants and exploring galleries and museums, or staying in to cook at home and rewatch The Sopranos.


What is your favorite Philadelphia neighborhood and why?

My favorite neighborhood is Bella Vista! It's the perfect walking distance from Center City and I love the food and cultural diversity - you've got Ba Le on one block, South Philly Barbacoa on another and Ralph's right in the middle. My perfect day is heading into the Italian Market for produce, stopping at Gleaner's for a coffee and strolling all the way to South Street.

Available Bella Vista Properties:


Why did you decide you wanted to get into the real estate business?

After experiencing the home buying process with my partner, I realized I had no idea what it actually took to purchase a home. I decided I wanted to learn more and realized that most of my peers needed help too. After a career in public service and nonprofits, I started my business with the intention to ensure folks feel informed and understood throughout their entire experience, whether it be their first home or fifth.


If you were to buy an investment property in 2021 and plan on selling in 2026, which neighborhood would you target and why?

I would buy in Norris Square - the city is rapidly expanding in that direction, it's close to the MFL and has a great community. Plus they are renovating Norris Square Park and Waterloo Playground and Pool!

Available Norris Square Properties:


If you were entertaining an out of town guest who has never been to Philadelphia before, what restaurant would you take them to first?

It would have to be Murph's - handmade pasta and sauce everyday (except Tuesday) in an Irish bar. Not only is the food amazing, the service is so Philly which makes it even better.


When you're not assisting clients with their real estate needs, what do you enjoy doing in your downtime?

In my free time you'll find me walking around the city, visiting museums and galleries. I love taking art classes and learning new skills at places like The Clay Studio, Fleisher Art Memorial and Butcher's Sew Shop! I also love to take time to give back to our community through The Red Cross and The Food Trust.


One piece of advice you would give a first time home buyer before starting the process?

Make sure you have a supportive team to guide you throughout the entire transaction! Interview several agents, ask questions, make sure you're a good match and ensure that they are trustworthy.


Hot New Listings in Philadelphia:

Riannon Weisser, REALTOR®



Venture Philly Group

Buy. Sell. Invest.


o. 215.592.9522

604 S Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA


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