6 Questions With Venture Philly:

Justin Klinger Shares His Favorites, Real Estate Advice, & Info For New Residents to Philadelphia.

Meet Justin.

Justin was born and raised in the Philadelphia area, and has recently returned after living in New York and Los Angeles, largely due to the lack of water ice elsewhere in the country. He has a background in entertainment and advertising, but had been considering real estate for years before finally taking the plunge. In his downtime, Justin loves to go to the gym, read comic books, and curl up for a nap with his dog Ollie. 


What is your favorite Philadelphia neighborhood and why?

Old City. I’m a bit of a history nerd, so I love walking down the cobblestone streets, admiring the architecture and feeling like I’ve stepped back in time. Some people may think it’s just for tourists, but there are a lot of fantastic bars and restaurants that cater to locals. Plus it’s close to the waterfront and has tons of gorgeous parks.

Available Old City Properties:


Why did you decide you wanted to get into the real estate business?

I was really burnt out from my previous career in advertising. I had several friends that had become realtors and loved it, and began convincing me to pursue it. I liked the idea of a non corporate atmosphere and working side by side with my clients for such an important moment in their lives.


If you were to buy an investment property in 2021 and plan on selling in 2026, which neighborhood would you target and why?

Port Richmond. It’s already starting to follow in the footsteps of nearby neighborhoods like Fishtown and Northern Liberties by adding buzzy new shops and restaurants and beautifully renovated homes. Within five years this will be one of the most in demand areas of the entire city.

Available Port Richmond Properties:


If you were entertaining an out of town guest who has never been to Philadelphia before, what restaurant would you take them to first?

Does Wawa count? Because honestly, if you want your guests to enjoy something delicious and unmistakably Philadelphian, they need a hoagie from Wawa. You can’t just explain it to them ahead of time, they need to experience it firsthand.


When you're not assisting clients with their real estate needs, what do you enjoy doing in your downtime?

I spend a lot of time with my dog. Like, a lot. I also force myself to hit the gym regularly, even though I hate it. And I am a  massive comic book geek, and am still hoping it’s only a matter of time before I wake up with mutant powers.


One piece of advice you would give a first time home buyer before starting the process?

Try to enjoy it! Yes, there are going to be times when it is scary, or frustrating, or confusing. But by the end, you’ll have found a home you truly love and own. What a major milestone! Finding a dedicated agent and team that you trust to take you through every step of the process will help relieve the stress and focus on the excitement.


Hot New Listings in Philadelphia:

Justin Klinger, REALTOR®



Venture Philly Group

Buy. Sell. Invest.


o. 215.592.9522

604 S Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA


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