6 Questions With Venture Philly:

Erin Meade Shares Her Philly Favorites, Real Estate Advice, & Info For New Residents to Philadelphia.

Meet Erin.

I'm from Willow Grove, PA but live in Conshohocken now and have lived here for about 3 years (1 1/2 years renting and 1 1/2 years owning my first home!) My professional career began in the retirement/401k space. Helping people save for retirement was interesting and made me realize I wanted to continue helping people with the biggest steps in their lives. However, it wasn't fulfilling to me and I knew there was more out there I could do. A few years later, I took a risk and left retirement to work for a real estate agent as an admin/transaction coordinator. It was one of the best professional decisions I could have made because it introduced me to the industry that I completely fell in love with and it gave me that sense of fulfillment I was looking for! I'm super excited to take it a step further being an agent. When I'm not working, you can find me at a local happy hour with my fiance or friends, going on walks or playing with my dog Albert. Sometimes we have a foster dog in the mix too - my fiance and I are part of an animal rescue. I am really looking to focus on first-time home buyers. I went through the process of purchasing my own home last summer and I feel like I can completely relate with first-time home buyers and how overwhelming the process may seem.


What is your favorite Philadelphia neighborhood and why?

My favorite neighborhood is Point Breeze/Newbold. There's a good mix of people who have lived there forever and new younger people are moving in. There are some awesome restaurants there as well like Cafe Nhan and Hardena.

Available Point Breeze/Newbold Properties:


Why did you decide you wanted to get into the real estate business?

When I was working to help people save for retirement, I realized I wanted to continue helping people in a fulfilling way with the biggest steps in their lives. Once I found my passion for real estate, it gave me the chance to do that. There is also so much opportunity in real estate, whether you work in it or invest in it.


If you were to buy an investment property in 2021 and plan on selling in 2026, which neighborhood would you target and why?

I'd have to stick with Point Breeze/Newbold. There is so much opportunity and new developments coming up in that neighborhood. The home values have more than doubled in the past 10 years in this area.

Available Point Breeze Properties:


If you were entertaining an out of town guest who has never been to Philadelphia before, what restaurant would you take them to first?

Cheu Fishtown!


When you're not assisting clients with their real estate needs, what do you enjoy doing in your downtime?

Meeting friends at local spots for happy hour, going for walks, playing with my dog, watching local sports (all Philly teams, of course), and making sure I spend a lot of time with my fiance and my family!


One piece of advice you would give a first time home buyer before starting the process?

Definitely do your research and vet the realtor/real estate team you are thinking about working with. Having an experienced real estate professional or a realtor that is a part of an experienced and accomplished team is everything!!


Hot New Listings in Philadelphia:

Erin Meade, REALTOR®



Venture Philly Group

Buy. Sell. Invest.


o. 215.592.9522

604 S Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA


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