10 Insider Tips to Make Your Next Move a Breeze

Moving can be a stressful experience, no doubt, but with a few tips and tricks it can be an easy and seamless process! We’ve put our heads together to create a list of our agents’ top ten moving tips gathered from years of experience helping their clients get into their dream homes, featuring everything from cleaning schedules to space-saving ideas, so you can get all the insider tips you need! Here’s our list: 

1. Clear-Out

Before you start your moving adventure, we recommend a clear-out of unused appliances, clothing, decor and more! A yard-sale, trip to your local donation center, or a few listings on Facebook Marketplace can help you cut down on the amount of things you will be packing and taking with you, and can bring in some extra cash to cover things like a moving truck or your first few nights of take-out before you’ve settled into your new place!

Quick Tip: While you’re at it, check Facebook Marketplace for moving supplies like blankets and boxes! 

2. Deep Cleaning

Once you’ve purged some non-essential items, it’s time to start deep cleaning your space! This may seem like a daunting task, but a schedule might help you keep track of what you’ve accomplished and what you still have to complete. Check out this 7 day cleaning schedule for some ideas of where to start, and customize it to fit your exact space!


3. Create a Timeline

Just like using a cleaning schedule, a packing timeline can help slow down the stress of packing up everything you own (check out this 8-week timeline)! Set a goal for each day or week that you plan to be packing, like cleaning out the garage, packing non-essentials, and prepping boxes and materials for when you begin to pack up! Remember not to be too hard on yourself if you fall behind on your schedule -- unexpected surprises are bound to pop up!  

4. Organize Your Boxes

While this might seem like a given, packing each room one at a time into its own set of boxes will make your unpacking much more seamless and organized. You can even color code boxes with stickers or labels, making it easier for you or your moving company to place each box in its respective room. If you decide to color code your boxes, make sure to create a key so you can keep track of everything! Numbering your boxes and making note of this on a color key will help you make sure nothing has been left behind or lost along the way.

Quick Tip: Don’t forget to mark boxes as fragile if they contain any valuables! 

5. Small Item Organization

Small items, like jewelry, chargers, and decor, are often easily lost or misplaced as you move. Using plastic or reusable storage bags to organize these smaller items before placing them in their respective rooms’ box will make it much easier for you to unpack and organize them! Make sure to label each bag so you know exactly what it's storing, and remember, you don’t have to unpack all at once! 


6. Use Moving Blankets

Moving blankets will protect your larger items from scratches or damages along the way. If you don’t want to purchase moving blankets, throw blankets or comforters that you have around the house will be a huge help! You can place these blankets overtop of furniture, like dressers and tables as you load them into your moving truck, allowing you to stack other items and boxes on top without having to worry about damaging a thing! 

 7. Take Advantage of Space

When packing up rooms like your kitchen and living room, small items can often fit easily into larger items. Consider placing spices inside stock pots, or packing your silverware in it’s in-drawer organizer to avoid damaging any utensils. Place these items in their respective rooms’ box, and you’ll wind up with extra space for larger items!

Quick Tip:  Small items can also be used to fill extra space in miscellaneous boxes, just remember to keep track of where you’re placing these items!

8. Pack Dishes With Care

Plates and other kitchen dishes are some of the most commonly broken items when moving -- packing your plates vertically using cardboard scraps as partitions is both an easy way to save space, and to avoid broken items. We also suggest holding onto the original boxes that your kitchenware comes in, as they are often protective enough to keep your items safe whether you’re moving around the block, or across the state! 


9. Don’t Overpack

Moving boxes come in many different sizes, but a large box doesn’t always mean more items can be stored inside it. We recommend avoiding overpacking large boxes, which makes them easier to carry, and avoids the risk of packing tape coming undone. If you have suitcases lying around that are not being used to transport clothes, try packing some of your heavier items there to both safe space in boxes, and avoid a spill on the sidewalk. 

10. Pack a “First Night” Box or Suitcase 

It is unrealistic to expect that you will unpack every box and suitcase on your first night in your new home or apartment, but packing a bag with the essentials you’ll need for your first night will make your first real day of unpacking much less daunting. We recommend packing the staples, like a few changes of clothes, toiletries, chargers, and any essential electronics like your cellphone or laptop!

Quick Tip: You can include more items like beddings, snacks, and cleaning supplies!

We’re Here To Help

If you have questions about your move, are looking to find a new home, or even if you’re just get started on your real estate journey, head over to our website to discover listings, read up on neighborhood insights and get access to all our insider information! Our agents are ready to help you get started on your next adventure!

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